“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
If someone asks me about my faith, I say, “I’m a Christian.”
Years ago, when I first started asking questions about God and Jesus, we had decided to put Kyle Jr. in a Christian school. He was struggling in public school in both learning and behavior. We had hoped that a change and a Christian school would help our son. He had resentments and had learned some bad things from my bad example as his father. We were all (my entire family) searching for truth and hoping we would find a new way of living our lives, but we weren’t sure. And I definitely still had my doubts about God and the people who said they followed Him.
Well, it didn’t take long before Kyle had caused some trouble in his new school. He pushed a boy into a stall in the bathroom and wouldn’t let him out. This was brought to the attention of the school’s Director by the boy’s mother, which led to a meeting with Chris, the boy’s mother, the school’s Director, an admin person and myself. We knew prior to the meeting that the mother of the boy wanted Kyle Jr. suspended indefinitely. She was very upset (understandably) and angry at what Kyle did to her son.
I remember on our drive to this meeting, I said to my wife, “You watch these Christians! They talk about forgiveness, they talk about all this stuff. She (the boy’s mother) wants Kyle suspended and she is threatening to remove her children from the school if he is not suspended indefinitely. She’s been here for a long time! She has a lot of money! We are new and we have no money. You watch! It’s all about the money. Kyle’s gone and she will get what she wants. I know how these people think! They say one thing and do another.” I had it all figured out, so I thought.
The Decision
When we arrived for the meeting, the Director led the meeting and opened with prayer. He then asked the boy’s mother to share her thoughts and concerns. She proceeded to share how Kyle hurt and scared her child, and how it had affected him and her personally. She wanted Kyle removed from the school and she was adamant about it. The Director shared some thoughts and asked her if she would reconsider. She said no, that her mind was made up and if the school didn’t suspend Kyle indefinitely, that she would pull her children from the school and move them elsewhere.
My emotions were all over the place. I felt horrible because I knew that I was to blame for Kyle’s issues. I was also angry at her for wanting to throw our son out indefinitely for his mistake. But I just sat there quietly as the meeting proceeded.
Honestly, I don’t remember what I or Chris said. But I remember what happened next. After much discussion, the Director said he had made a decision. He shared some words about the Bible and scripture and talked about forgiveness. He then said that the school had decided to forgive Kyle Jr. and let him stay. He told the mother that he hoped she would pray about things and reconsider.
She was furious. She stood up, said some things and then she walked out. She did pull her children out and she did move on.
Grace in Action
Today, more than ever, I understand that mother’s frustration and anger toward what my son did to her son. You see, a mother would do anything for her son. It’s the love of a mother that God put in her.
That love is good and strong and true. That is what she was focused on. What I think she missed in this moment was the forgiveness that comes only through the love that Jesus puts in us all.
So Kyle Jr. stayed and Kyle Jr. changed. And Kyle Jr. asked the Lord into his life as a result of this school and what God did through the people in it. Kyle Jr. is in heaven today. I am so thankful for the Director and the school for not only saying what Christians say, but showing what Christians do.
They forgive, they show Grace, they listen and they honor God’s word.
I hope and pray each day that I can be a Christian that comes close to the kind of Christian people that God placed in that school, that God has placed in our lives. That God has used to “show us” what it looks like to be “a Christian.”
God bless you!