Sometimes quitting is a good thing! Here are 10 things I quit that have made a huge difference in my life.
- I quit trying to change people and accepted it was me that needed to change.
- I quit letting my past experiences and results dictate my beliefs and possibilities for my future.
- I quit blaming other people for my problems.
- I quit blaming God and my wife for the death of our first son, Joey.
- I quit thinking I had to fully understand it for it to be true/truth.
- I quit hanging out with the wrong people. (This is not judgment but is a reflection of how I think and who speaks into me.)
- I quit believing the lies and started to believe in myself and in my capabilities.
- I quit quitting the good things. (I would try something good and because it didn’t work the first or second time, I would give up.)
- I quit blaming myself for the death of our second son, Kyle Jr.
- I quit trying to be right all the time. (I was never very successful at it anyway!)
It’s kind of ironic that I wrote a chapter in a book called Don’t Quit: Stories of Persistence, Courage and Faith. But there are some things we are better off quitting. The challenge is knowing how to identify the people/things/behaviors/thinking that are worthy of separating yourself from so you can be a better YOU … to you and to those around you.
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